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Developing Audit Findings

Format: Online

NOTE: This course was formerly known as Developing Audit Observations.

As a significant amount of time is committed to an internal audit engagement, a clear and actionable audit finding is critical to communicate issues noted during the engagement. Audit findings provide management, the board, and stakeholders with adequate detail and an objective summary of an organization’s operations, risks, and controls, as well as a thorough summary of the audit work performed. Audit findings are the means by which internal audit communicates audit results. But what does it take to develop an actionable audit finding, and what signifies an audit finding as actionable?

This highly interactive course provides internal auditors with timely insights into how to utilize critical-thinking techniques to make audit findings actionable. This course is not focused on the act of audit report writing, but rather on the foundational component of audit reporting — an effective audit finding.  This course reviews the common writing mistakes that impact an internal auditor’s ability to effectively communicate audit findings. During this course, participants will practice writing audit findings, as well as review audit findings for peers. 

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Early bird discount offer available to members up to 6 weeks prior to course start date. Pricing will be reflected upon checkout.

Special Group Rate for 10+ Available
A special group rate is available for purchases of ten or more. To make a Group purchase or for more information on Group discounts, please get in touch with Group Services.


Pricing is per person and is in U.S. dollars.
Discounted rates applied during checkout.

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