Understanding the Critical Role Internal Audit Plays
The IIA and NACD are partners in supporting the advancement of good governance, deepening the understanding of risk and management and risk oversight, and furthering the professional development of current and aspiring boardroom executives through sharing of knowledge, experience, and best practices.
Take advantage of The IIA’s insights, tools, and resources to advance your role.
- Tone at the Top: a bimonthly quick-read newsletter for executive management, boards of directors, and audit committees.
- Board Member Resource Exchange: the comprehensive go-to for guidance, knowledge sharing, publications, certifications, training, and events.
- Internal Audit Oversight Stakeholder: Expectations and Achieving Results: a guide and list of resources for managing an effective Quality Assurance Improvement Plan (QAIP).
- Quality Insights: helpful advice, best practices, and other insights in establishing or improving your QAIP.
- Position Papers: positions on significant governance, risk, or control issues, and delineating the associated roles and responsibilities of internal auditing.
- Standards and Guidance: a framework of tools to support the implementation of effective internal auditing.
- Certified Internal Auditor (CIA): the only globally recognized internal audit certification to communicate knowledge, skills, and competencies for effective internal audit.
- Internal Auditor Magazine: one of the most trusted resources for members to garner latest insights and leading practices on timely issues.
- Six Audit Committee Imperatives: report outlines how internal audit leaders leverage best practices to tackle three key areas of strategic risk.
- Artificial Intelligence Framework: paper introduces an AI Auditing Framework comprised of six components within the context of an organization’s AI strategy.