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Benchmarking Reports

Audit Intelligence Suite – Benchmarking Report

The IIA has been reimagining our products and services to better meet our members’ needs and to prepare the internal audit profession for the future. As a result, we discontinued our support of the current version of Audit Intelligence Suite (AIS) in 2021.

The Audit Intelligence Suite – Benchmarking Report (formerly Global Audit Information Network® [GAIN] Benchmarking Tool) allowed you to benchmark your internal audit department, affordably, and transparently. You could compare your audit department’s size, experience, and other metrics against the averages of similar organizations in peer groups. IIA Executive Members will still have access to these reports.

2021 AIS Benchmarking Report

This is for Executive members only.
To access it and other valuable resources, become a Executive member today or log in!


The 2021 AIS Benchmarking Report Suite is also available to purchase separately for non-Executive members.

The IIA is proud to announce its new Internal Audit Benchmarking Tool. The benchmarking data gathered through use of this tool will help audit leaders measure and compare their respective audit function’s performance, practices, and processes with those of peers and industry leaders. This tool replaces Audit Intelligence Suite.

Benchmark Survey

Data entered is confidential and is reported only in aggregate form. Identifying information is not publicly disclosed for any of the information entered in our benchmarking questionnaire. Please also refer to our IIA Privacy Policy. You may also reach out to us directly at if you have additional questions.