International Member Madagascar
Access essential content, tools, and resources for every stage.
The Benefits of Membership
Boost your earning potential, expand your professional network, and demonstrate your commitment to the internal audit profession.
The IIA International Chapter Membership tier is imperative to gain foundational knowledge and access essential connections, content, and opportunities to elevate impact and enhance value.
The IIA is your partner in the internal audit profession and you are an important part of our global community. Whatever you're into, it can come out of membership in the IIA. Discover what's at the heart of member value.
Professional Membership Benefits:

English Digital Magazine
The digital edition of Internal Auditor allows reader to view entire issues of the magazine and filp through each page.
Readers will find a variety of navigation tools to browse article, as well as bonus video content and an extensive archives.

Spanish Digital Magazine
La versión digital de Internal Auditor en español es la traducción de la edición en inglés de la revista y está disponible solamente en línea para los suscriptores.
Se ofrece un archivo completo con capacidad de búsqueda de las ediciones que datan de febrero de 2012, como también contenido de la edición actual.
Además, los lectores pueden descargar esta ediciones para verlas fuera de línea.
Internal Auditor's website includes all of the informative content from the digital edition of the magazine, as well as exclusive articles, videos, and four great blogs (On the Frontlines, Building a Better auditor, IAm, and Mind of Jacka).
Membership with The IIA Pays for Itself
Find out how Xiaolei Zeng, audit supervisor at World Bank Group, uses her membership on a day-to-day basis to better their internal auditing performance.