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Donor Spotlight

Keith Kahl, CIA, CRMA, CPA, CFE

Donor, Senior Advisor IA Foundation Vision 2035 Project, Volunteer, Former Chapter Leader, Retired CAE

Supporting the Internal Audit Foundation is making an investment in the future of the profession that benefits internal audit professionals and stakeholders. Recently, I had the opportunity to be a senior advisor on the Vision 2035 project. Being a part of this project was an enlightening and rewarding experience. This groundbreaking research project provides a roadmap for all internal audit professionals and the IIA by identifying key steps the profession must take to become strategic advisors to fulfill its purpose defined in the Global Internal Audit Standards (GIAS).

As a member of the Vision 2035 project team, I worked closely with lead Foundation team and multiple other project collaborators. I learned that the Foundation has a high caliber team and a solid research process that ensures every piece of research released will add value to the profession. In my 20 plus years as a CAE, I have used Foundation research reports to improve internal audit functions. CAEs and internal audit professionals can comfortably leverage research reports from the Foundation knowing that the reports are backed by sound actionable research.

I also value the partnership support the Foundation provides to colleges, universities, professors and students. Both the Internal Audit Awareness Program (IAEP) and the Internal Auditing Education Partnership (IAEP) increase student awareness of internal audit and prepare students for a career in internal audit. These programs are investing in the next generation of internal audit professionals who can fill the pipeline needs of internal audit functions around the world.

I will continue to support the Foundation so that it can timely produce high-quality research that elevates and drives the success of the profession and fuels the talent pipeline with well-prepared students.

Join us as we prepare for the future, invest in the future of the profession.

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