Bienvenue à IIA Senegal!
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ISACI – Senegalese institute of internal Auditors was created in May 1993, making it one of the first internal auditors institute in West Africa. ISACI established with IIA Global the Master Relationship Agreement (MRA) and official taking the name of IIA Senegal. On 15 April 2016, IIA Global executed the termination clause of the MRA with the affiliation IIA Senegal due to none compliance. In 2018, Internal auditors from Senegal re-established the contact with IIA Global in order to re-affiliate ISACI and establish IIA Senegal. 2020, a formation committee was established with internal auditors from major companies in Senegal. Since then, the process has been going very slowly. 8 September 2022, The IIA Senegal Chapter was approved.
Aissatou Thioro Dia Ndiaye, CA, CIA, CFE, President
CEO, NAD Audit
Mrs. Aissatou Thioro Dia Ndiaye , Degrees in Accounting, Finance and Auditing with various certifications as CA, CIA, CFE. She has more than 25 years of experience in the private sector and international organizations. She is currently working as an International consultant in internal audit, risk management, fraud and evaluation working with international organizations. She is a former UNDP, UNHCR and OIOS Audit Specialist from 2004 to 2017. She is also the former Director of Internal Audit of the International Organization of la Francophonie from 2017 to 2020. She is currently CEO NAD Audit, Senegalese company specialized in internal audit, risk management and oversight.
Amy Sy Ba, President-elect
Regional Director of Internal Audit & Management Services for Francophone West Africa Zone, Ecobank
Mrs. Amy Sy Ba , Degrees in Money, Finance, Economics and Management. She has more than 23 years of experience working in banking industry. She is the former Director of Treasury and Regional Director of Treasury for Ecobank from 2003 to 2007. She was appointed as Director of Internal Audit, Internal Control and Compliance for Senegal & Cap Vert from 2008 to 2010 and then Director of Internal Audit from 2010. Since 2017, she is currently the Regional Director of Internal Audit & Management Services for Francophone West Africa Zone (covering 9 countries) at Ecobank.
Khady Ba, Secretary
Chief of Internal Audit, LIMAK-AIBD-SUMMA(LAS)
Habibou Gaye, Membership Officer
CEO, Boabab Consulting Services
Pape Samba, Programming Officer
Internal Audit Manager, GMD, a Seaboard Subsidiary
Mr. Pape Samba, Degree in Accounting and Finance management and certifies in MOS Excel Expert, he has 8 years of experience in finance, accounting and auditing. He started his career in a statutory company as an external auditor before joining a holding working in real estate. He is currently working as an internal audit manager in GMD, a Seabord subsidiary.
Bonjour à tous et bienvenue à IIA Sénégal
IIA Sénégal aspire à être la voix nationale de la profession d'auditeur interne au Sénégal.
Notre équipe a travaillé d'arrache-pied ces dernieres années avec diligence pour remettre en place IIA Sénégal. Notre strategie ces deux prochaines années sera:
- de mettre en place le chapitre au niveau du Sénégal
- de recruiter les membres afin d'atteindre 200 membres en 2025 ou plus
- d'offrir des formations en audit interne et professions affiliées telles que le controle interne, la gestion des risques, la gestion des fraudes etc...
- d'offrir les certifications en audit interne et autres, et
- d'offir à nos membres un lieu de reseautage, de formation professionnelle et d'evolution professionnelle.
Ensemble, nous travaillerons pour que notre profession ait plus de visibilité au Sénégal. Notre objectif dans le moyen terme est de créer l'Ordre des Auditeurs Internes du Sénégal à travers de lequel notre métier brillera et augmentera de la valeur ajoutee aux organisations et sociétés.
Je suis honorée d'être la President de ce chapitre pour les années 2023-2024 et de diriger cet equipe d'experts en audit interne au sein du comité executif.
Je présenterai à l'assemblée Générale Ordinaire qui aura lieu le 5 Novembre 2022 un plan strategique pour les 2 années à venir.
Je vous remercie
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