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The IIA’s Statement on Geopolitics


Statement on Geopolitics

The Institute of Internal Auditors is committed to serving its 235,000+ members across the globe, regardless of geopolitical dynamics, regional discord, or local customs and values.  We conduct business on six continents and in more than 170 countries because the benefits of internal audit are global and must therefore be represented wherever business is conducted.

We aim to ensure that the internal auditing profession can thrive, anywhere and everywhere in the world.

As a global professional organization, we also strive to be an ethical voice for good in the world, including through a commitment to advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) and environmental, social, and governance (ESG) policies and combatting fraud and corruption, which may vary from country-to-country, but broadly benefit our members and the public interest.

To avoid political controversies and conflicts that may detract from our commitment to serving our members, we generally do not take positions on the actions of nation states that do not relate to the internal audit profession. While we realize there are often strong feelings across the political spectrum on these types of issues, we do not believe that there is a practical way to reach a consensus view on behalf of our large and incredibly diverse global membership. We, therefore, encourage our members to make their voices heard on these topics specifically through the many different non-profits, interest groups, and charities that advance their values. 

As a global organization, we comply with all relevant legal and regulatory requirements related to trade laws, intellectual property, copyright, sanctions, and taxation.