Global Assembly
Global Assembly 2023 Summary Report:
The report covers key topics, discussions and data collected during event, which was held in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, from July 07-09, 2023.
One of the main topics of discussion at the Global Assembly was the IIA's Vision 2035. This long-term strategic plan outlines the IIA's goals for the future of the internal audit profession. The report discusses the progress that has been made on Vision 2035, as well as the next steps that need to be taken to achieve its goals.
Another key topic of discussion at the Global Assembly was the IIA's IPPF Evolution. This project is aimed at modernizing and transforming the IIA's International Professional Practices Framework (IPPF) to make it more relevant and responsive to the changing needs of the internal audit profession.
The report also discusses a number of other topics, including the IIA's Global Operating Model (GOM), its global collaboration initiatives, and its public policy position paper.
The IIA 2023 Global Assembly Summary Report is an important resource for anyone who is interested in the future of the internal audit profession. The report provides valuable insights into the IIA's strategic priorities and the steps that it is taking to achieve its goals.
2022 Global Assembly Summary Report
The comprehensive input that was collected during the Global Assembly, via the advance survey and captured during the virtual discussion sessions, have been analyzed in great detail and are shared with you in summary form in the below report. The Summary Report reflects the overall themes that emerged from all table discussions, the comments and ideas that were shared most frequently by Affiliates, and the elements that, at times, indicated different perspectives among the participants. It serves as the general outcome of the consultation process rather than reflecting every individual opinion shared during the survey and table discussions.
Essential Global Assembly Documents
Approved by the Global Board during its meeting in July 2019, the following documents provide comprehensive information on the new Global Assembly. Affiliates should download each document to ensure to share with your board.
Global Assembly Charter
The GA Charter provides in-depth information about the GA mission, structure, meetings, and its responsibilities.
Global Assembly Guidelines
The GA Guidelines provide details regarding the selection and responsibilities of Global Assembly Representatives and the supporting processes such as how the GA serves in an advisory role to the Global Board.
Global Assembly Representative Description
The GA Representative Description lists the term of office and responsibilities of the official and alternate representatives who are designated by each Affiliate.