Ted Keys Award
The Ted Keys Award — named in honor of the late Elmer Theodore Keys, Jr., a long-time regular writer for an Internal Auditor magazine department — is presented each year for the most outstanding article submitted to one of the magazine’s departments. Winning articles are selected for outstanding quality, clear presentation of ideas, practicality, and relevance to the continuing practice of internal auditing.
2024 Award Recipients
“Help Wanted,” (February 2023).
Grant Wahlstrom, CIA, CPA, CFE, Boca Raton, Fla.
Honorable Mentions
“The Five Attributes Approach,” (February 2023)
and “Plan For Effective Interviews,” (June 2023).
James Roth, PHD, CIA, CCSA; Hastings, min
“The New Basics of Data Analytics,” (June 2023)
Nikhil Kenjale, CA; India
“Buying into Trouble,” (October 2023).
Laura Harris, CFE; Austin, TX
“The Security Interchange,” (December 2023)
Antonio Magallanes-Villamor Jr., CIA, CRMA, CISA, CISM; based in Cairo.
2023 Award Recipients
“The Case for the Deep Dive,” (August 2022).
Robert McKinney, CISA; Astoria, NY
Honorable Mentions
“Recovery vs. Continuity,” (December 2022).
Josh Christian, CPA, CISA; Tampa, Fl
“A Complementary Approach” (June 2022).
Tolu Ogunseye; San Francisco, CA
“Data-enabled Internal Auditing” (February 2022).
Muhammad Hassan Rizvi; Dubai
“Risk Acceptance” (February 2022).
Rick Wright, CIA; Overland Park, Kansas
“Targeting Fraud with Data Analytics” (February 2022).
Alisanne Gilmore Allen, CIA, CRMA, CFE, CISA; Santa Clara, Calif
2022 Award Recipients
“Key Aspects of a Cybersecurity Framework,” (August 2021).
Lee Blackwell, CISA, CFE; Tarpon Springs, FL
Honorable Mentions
“The Diesel Fuel Heist,” (June 2021).
Anna Kon, CIA, CFE, CRMA; Tallinn, Estonia.
“The IT Audit Circle,” (August 2021).
Mark T. Edmead, BRMP, CBRM, CISA; Palm Desert, CA
“A Generalist in an IT World,” (December 2021).
Jami Shine, CIA, CRMA, CISA, CRISC; Tulsa, Okla.
“The Aftermath of SolarWinds,” (June 2021).
Andrew Struthers-Kennedy, CRMA, CISA;Washington, DC.
“Talent and the Great Resignation,” (October 2021).
Kara Hebert, CIA, CRMA; Woodlands, TX
2021 Award Recipients
“The Double Dipper” (“Fraud Findings,” April 2020)
Grant Wahlstrom, CIA, CPA, CFE; Florida, U.S.
Anisa Chowdhury, CPA, CA; Florida, U.S.
Honorable Mentions:
“Benford’s Law in a Big Data World” (“ITAudit,” April 2020)
Lal Balkaran, CIA, FCPA, FCGA, FCMA; Ontario, Canada
“Protecting Passwords” (“ITAudit,” August 2020)
Kari Zahar; Texas, U.S.
Stephanie Robberson, ACE, CCPA, CCO; Oklahoma, U.S.
“Auditing Artificial Intelligence” (“ITAudit,” October 2020)
James Bone; Rhode Island, U.S.
“Reviewing Information Security Governance” (“ITAudit,” December 2020)
Sajay Rai, CPA, CISSP, CISM; Michigan, U.S.
Philip Chukwuma, CISSP; Michigan, U.S.
“Home Is Where the Risk Is” (“Risk Watch,” December 2020)
Joe Byer, CIA; Missouri, U.S.
2020 Award Recipients
Steve Mar, CFSA, CISA — “The Single Point of Failure” (“ITAudit,” April 2019)
Honorable Mentions:
Lynn Fountain, CGMA, CRMA — “Internal Audit’s Evolving Cybersecurity Role” (“Risk Watch,” February 2019)
Danny Fridman, CIA, CISA, CRISC; Dror Bar Moshe, CIA, CPA, CFE, CISA; David Gabra, CISA — “Assessing Data Reliability” (“Back to Basics,” June 2019)
Bryant Richards, CIA, CRMA, CMA — “The Opportunistic CFO” (“Fraud Findings,” June 2019)
Kari Zahar; Jeremy Price, CISA, MCSE, ABCP; Curtis Griffin, GICSP — “The Hidden Risks of the Cloud” (“ITAudit,” December 2019)
Anna Kon, CIA, CRMA, CFE — “Running on Empty” (“Fraud Findings,” December 2019)
2019 Award Recipients
Melissa Ryan, CRMA, CISA — “The Extended Enterprise” (“Governance Perspectives,” February 2018)
Honorable Mentions:
Sam Khan, CISA, CRISC — “Why IT Projects Fail” (“ITAudit,” April 2018)
Kelley Ellis, CIA, CPA, CGMA, FLMI — “Model Governance, Where to Begin?” (“Governance Perspectives,” June 2018)
Jonnie T. Keith, CIA, CFE, CGAP — “Producing Quality Audit Reports” (“Back to Basics,” August 2018)
Bernadette Calhoun, CFE — “Plugging More Value Into Internal Audits” (“ITAudit,” August 2018)
Rick Wright, CIA — “Selling Enterprise Risk Management” (“Governance Perspectives,” August 2018)
2018 Award Recipients
Lane Kimbrough, PHD, CIA, CRMA, CCSA — “Structured for Strength” (“Governance Perspective,” December 2017)
Honorable Mentions:
Donald McConnell Jr., PhD, CPA, CFE, and Jean Manuel, CPA, CFE, CFF — “The Accidental Discovery” (“Fraud Findings,” February 2017)
Kevin Shen, CFA, CPA — “Internal Audit Needs Risk Management, Too” (“Risk Watch,” August 2017)
Lal Balkaran, CIA, FCPA, FCGA, FCMA — “Focus on the Three E’s” (“Back to Basics,” October 2017)
Dawnella Johnson and Gary Peterson — “The Corporate Governance Audit” (“Governance Perspectives,” October 2017)
Jon West, CISM, CISSP, CIPT, PCIP — “Fundamentals of a Cybersecurity Program” (“ITAudit,” December 2017)
Charlie Wright, CIA, CISA, CPA — “Tomorrow’s ERM Today” (“Risk Watch,” December 2017)
2017 Award Recipients
Sajay Rai, CPA, CISSP, CISM and Philip Chukwuma, CISSP — “Must-have Controls for SMBs” ("ITAudit," December 2016)
Honorable Mentions:
Dan Clayton, CIA, CPA, CKM — “Collaborative Risk Management” ("Risk Watch," April 2016)
JJ Jenkins, CRMA — “Communicating Results” ("Governance Perspectives," June 2016)
Neha Pansari, CA, CS — “Analytics-driven Audits” ("Back to Basics," August 2016)
Ellen Caya, CPA — “Make the Most of Assurance” ("Risk Watch," August 2016)
Nishani Edirisinghe Vincent, PHD — “A Holistic Approach to IT Risk” ("Risk Watch," December 2016)
2016 Award Recipients
Richard J. Machold, CIA, CPA, CRMA — “The Four Hats of Risk Management” (“Risk Watch,” December 2015)
Honorable Mentions:
Tony Jackson, CIA – “Partners in Assurance” (“Governance Perspectives,” February 2015)
Paul Sobel, CIA, QIAL, CRMA – “What Must Go Right?” (“Risk Watch,” April 2015)
John Hall, CPA, CBA – “Charity Begins in the Home” (“Fraud Findings,” June 2015”)
Theresa M. Grafenstine, CIA, CGAP, CPA, CISA – “The Proactive Risk Adviser” (“Governance Perspectives,” June 2015”)
John L. Verna, CBA, CPA, CFE, and Christopher T. Marquet, CBA – “The Abuse of Executive Power” (“Fraud Findings,” October 2015)
2015 Award Recipients
Larry Baker, CPA, CCSA, CRMA — “Addressing Risk in a Dynamic World” (Risk Watch, June 2014)
Honorable Mentions:
A. Scott Fleming — “Growth Manipulation” (Fraud Findings, February 2014)
Nargiz Ibrahim — “IT Audit 101” (Back to Basics, June 2014)
Greg Wickenhofer and Andrew Radakovich — “The Value of Postmortems” (Back to Basics, August 2014)
Joe Benfatti, Corey Saunders, and Patrick Hanrion — “Plugging Digital Leaks” (ITAudit, August 2014)
Sajay Rai and Steve Mar — “Cybersecurity and the Board” (ITAudit, December 2014) by Sajay Rai and Steve Mar
Nancy Haig — “The Importance of Our Standards” (Governance Perspectives, December 2014) by Nancy Haig
2014 Award Recipients
"Auditing Governance of Critical Information" (ITAudit, August 2013) by Sajay Rai, CPA, CISSP, CISM, and Philip Chukwuma, CISSP
Honorable Mentions
"Auditing the BYOD Program" (ITAudit, February 2013) by Lance J. Semer, CIA, CISA, CISSP
"Revisiting the Internal Control Walk-through" (Back to Basics, August 2013) by Anne M. Wilkins, CPA, and Bill Mooningham, CPA
"Striking Oil" (Fraud Findings, October 2013) by Rick Roybal, CISA
"Demystifying Black Swans" (Risk Watch, December 2013) by Brian B. Allen, CIA, CPA, CITP, CRMA
"New Kid on the Block" (Fraud Findings, December 2013) by Peter Parillo, CPA, CFE, CFF, CGMA
2013 Award Recipients
"Institutional Memory" by David O'Regan ("Back to Basics," February 2012)
Honorable Mentions
(There was a tie here, so recognizing six instead of five.)
"Audit Finding Fundamentals" by Bernice Lemaire ("Back to Basics," October 2012)
"An IT Governance Confusion Solution" by Steve Romero ("Governance Perspectives," February 2012)
"A Fine Source of New Board Directors" by Norman Marks ("Governance Perspectives," August 2012)
"What's in a Name?" by Michael Cangemi ("Governance Perspectives," December 2012)
"The Right Stuff" by Steve Mar ("ITAudit," June 2012)
"Emerging Risk Audits" by Amelia Ho ("Risk Watch," June 2012)
2012 Award Recipients
"Auditing Cookies" by Bruce D. Woods ("ITAudit," December 2011)
Honorable Mentions
“IT Project Management” – Shannon Buckley (“ITAudit,” August 2011)
“2011 Top Security Topics“ – Sajay Rai and Philip Chukwuma (“ITAudit,” April 2011)
“Don't Get Burned” – Tim Krzeminski (“Risk Watch,” June 2011)
“Closing the Analytics Gap” – Peter Millar (“ITAudit,” October 2011)
"Too Close for Comfort” – Catherine Finamore Henry (“Governance Perspectives,” February 2011)
2011 Award Recipients
"Graduate-level Risk Assessment" by Paul Sobel ("Risk Watch," June 2010)
Honorable Mentions
“The Risky Side of People” – Doug Beeuwsaert and Katie Hartley (“Risk Watch,” August 2010)
“Asking the Difficult Questions“ – Francine McKenna (“Governance Perspectives,” June 2010)
“The Case for Privacy Audits” – Stephen Shelton (“ITAudit,” August 2010)
“The ABCs of Communicating Results” – Deborah Archambeault and Morgen Rose (“Back to Basics,” December 2010)
“Defining GRC” – Norman Marks (“Governance Perspectives,” February 2010)
“International Business Risk” – David O’Regan (“Back to Basics,” April 2010)
2010 Award Recipients
"The New Age of Virtualization" by Lorraine Lee and Rebecca Sawyer ("ITAudit," December 2009)
Honorable Mentions
"Audit Evidence" by Paul Clikeman ("Back to Basics," February 2009)
"Fighting High-tech Fraud" by Ken Askelson ("ITAudit," June 2009)
"Time to Teach ERM" by Mark Beasley ("Risk Watch," February 2009)
"Elementary Fraud" by Andrew Medina ("Fraud Findings," February 2000)
2009 Award Recipients
"Effective Report Writing" by Fernando Gonzalez ("Back to Basics," June 2008)
Honorable Mentions
"Journey to the Cutting Edge" by Jeffrey Ridley ("Back to Basics," February 2008)
"The Rising Star" by Daniel Edelman ("Fraud Findings," June 2008)
"Moving Toward Continuous Auditing" by Carlos Elder Maciel de Aquino, Washington Lopes da Silva, and Miklos Vasarhelyi ("Tech Forum," August 2008)
"The Three Dimensions of Fraud" by Hernan Murdock ("Risk Watch," August 2008)

Ted Keys