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American Hall of Distinguished Audit Practitioners


The Institute of Internal Auditors has temporarily placed the following awards on pause for 2024. This pause is part of our commitment to enhancing the recognition process, as The IIA is diligently working on an awards refresh to better acknowledge and celebrate outstanding achievements within our community. We appreciate your understanding and look forward to reintroducing these prestigious awards in the future with a renewed focus on excellence.

  • Bradford Cadmus Memorial Award
  • William G. Bishop III, CIA Lifetime Achievement Award
  • The American Hall of Distinguished Audit Practitioners
  • Victor Z. Brink Award for Distinguished Service

American Hall of Distinguished Audit Practitioners

The IIA’s American Hall of Distinguished Audit Practitioners (“Hall”) was established to recognize key individuals in the field of internal auditing who have contributed significantly to the profession throughout their lifetime. It is the highest honor given by the North American Board for the contributions and accomplishments that the recipient has made to advance the profession, setting the standard for others to emulate.

There is no obligation to bestow the award in any year. With the intent to recognize truly distinguished service by IIA members in the United States, no more than three practitioners will be recognized for this award in a single year.

View 2023 Award Recipients     View All Past Award Recipients

Eligibility Criteria:

Eligible candidates for induction into the Hall should meet the following criteria:

1. Served as a leader in the internal audit profession within the United States (audit professional, professor, instructor, or in other service to the profession of internal auditing) for a minimum of ten years.

2. Provided diligent service to their employing organization(s), as evidenced by the support afforded to them by their peers, supervisors, and staff.

3. Advanced the profession through thought leadership, presenting on internal audit at conferences or seminars, or service to The Institute of Internal Auditors in a leadership role.

4. Exemplified the finest values of those who practice internal audit through their highly ethical conduct, integrity, moral character, service and leadership.