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IIA Global Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteers are at the heart of The IIA’s success. With their help, The IIA is able to identify trends, programs, and services to ensure that we continue to guide the profession into the future. The IIA is a more energized, diverse, and inclusive organization because of the everyday work of our volunteers.  The IIA is always seeking internal audit subject matter experts and advocates for fresh perspectives, expertise, and leadership.

The IIA values and seeks diverse leadership as defined by gender, race, ethnicity, geographic location, industry, age, etc. In alignment with the new Strategic Plan, The IIA is committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion across all facets of the organization, including our volunteer base.

More members in volunteer opportunities mean:

  • Critical diversity of opinions and experiences;
  • An expansion in the leadership pipeline; and
  • Content that is developed and influenced by peers for peers.

Get Involved

There are many opportunities to volunteer at The IIA. You can volunteer at your local chapter or institute – serving as an officer or leader, volunteering at events, or helping to run local social media. Volunteering for even an hour a month can make an immense impact. The work of our volunteers enables us to enhance the practice of internal auditing and raise the visibility of the profession with stakeholders.